William Ronald Debnam

William Ronald Debnam, from Hertfordshire, is a second year doctoral student at Columbia University’s Department of Slavic Languages. He holds an MA in Slavic Languages from Columbia University and a BA in Modern and Medieval Languages from the University of Cambridge. His current research focuses on Ukrainian modernist literature of the 1920s, and specifically how it engages with political questions around Ukrainianisation and Soviet nationalities policy more broadly. This year William is also the instructor for Columbia’s Elementary Ukrainian language course.

Translations in London Ukrainian Review:

Mykola Kulish, Myna Mazailo

Contact: wrd2115@columbia.edu

Cover Image for Crimean Tatars: Eighty Years of Remembrance and Resistance

Crimean Tatars: Eighty Years of Remembrance and Resistance

Issue 2 (2024)

For the eightieth anniversary of the Soviet deportation of Crimean Tatars, the London Ukrainian Review dedicates its second issue of 2024 to the Russia-occupied Crimean peninsula and its Indigenous people’s ongoing fight for justice.

Sasha Dovzhyk
Cover Image for The Long Exile: A History of the Deportation of 1944

The Long Exile: A History of the Deportation of 1944

Issue 2 (2024)

The mass deportation of Crimean Tatars in May 1944 is rooted in Russian settler colonialism which Martin-Oleksandr Kisly traces to the subjugation of Crimea by Catherine II. Eighty years after the grievous crime against the Indigenous people of Crimea, Crimean Tatars are under Russia’s occupation and banned from marking this historic date.

Martin-Oleksandr Kisly, trans. by Larissa Babij
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